Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's been a whole year

Happy 1st birthday, Aubrey Ann!

This morning I watched the video my dad put together after Aubrey arrived--and cried. My baby is a year old today. This past year with her has gone by way too quickly! I have treasured her sweet babyhood. I really am looking forward to watching her grow up and looking forward to the coming months and years, but Aubrey has been such a fun, happy baby. She's got a great smile, and we have thoroughly documented that smile, as I found when I went to find my "favorite" photos of her for this post. Most third borns have significantly fewer photos compared to their older siblings, but in our family the third born has the most. I had way too many "favorites," so I made links to each month of her first year and then made a collage with a bunch of others. I don't expect everyone to look at them all, but it was fun for me to do.

5 weeks old , 2 months old , 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months

Aubrey, you have brought so much joy to our whole family. You make us laugh and make us smile with your antics. We love you, baby girl!


Nicole said...

It is crazy that Aubrey is one already! I remember begging my mom to take me to the hospital to see her. Just the other day I was thinking of the silly song I sung and how a whole year has gone by!! Aubrey is so much fun and I wish her a very Happy 1st Birthday!!
Love, Nicole

Eric 'n Leah said...

Ohhh, this post did nothing but a. prove how cute Aubrey is. and b. show that you are SO having another baby someday.

Pate Family said...

Impressive that you have so many cute pictures of your third! She is darling. Happy Birthday to her and congrats to the whole family!

Jenne said...

What a great smile! Pretty girl!

Anonymous said...

she is so cute:) glad to have run into you in the dr office today! i am in denial that my 3rd child will ever be a year old. *sigh*

Mars said...

Ohhhh - she's so darn cute.
That video brought a little tear to my eye, too. Our children are such precious gifts.
Happy birthday, Aubrey!

Faith said...

She is ONE?!?! Wow..where did time go? She is so precious Andrea!