Friday, November 21, 2008

Dirt Baby and Jumping Baby

Kari's dirt baby grew lots of hair (grass) and received many hair cuts before he started growing mold and had to be thrown out.

This baby's hair is growing, too, but will not be receiving a trim. She had a great time the other day in the johnny jump up while I work on dinner prep. It's nice that we have a doorway she can hang from between the kitchen and living area.
It's also nice when you can finally give the baby Cheerios to keep her happy during dinner prep. You're probably not supposed to let them eat and jump at the same time, but it worked out well for us that day.

She's starting to scoot around now, and I can't vacuum often enough. She's always finding little treasures to put in her mouth. Ironically, she has all of a sudden become terrified at the sound of the vacuum. What's a mom to do?
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Anonymous said...

The deep irony of dirty floors when someone is actually eating off of them on a regular basis. I'm right there with you, and so is Jack! ;)

Megan said...

I think Elsie has finally figured out that the stuff she finds on the floor is disgusting. She now knows to stand up at her eating chair and snack on the stuff she shoved down there. It only took eating dirt for a month or two to figure it out. Hope Aubrey figures it out sooner!