Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween--lots of photos

October 31st was crammed full of kid fun. We had Kari's field trip in the morning and then trick-or-treating in the afternoon/evening. Greg was able to get off work early to come with us to downtown Gresham where they block off the streets to cars, and the businesses hand out candy. We came home for a quick dinner, and then headed back out again to go visit Uncle Brian and Aunt Emily, then over to Grandpa and Grandma Arnold's house, and then back home to walk around our neighborhood. The kids made quite the haul and loved wearing their costumes.

Cinderella and Princess Aurora were inseparable. I think they held hands the entire time.

Even Tostie had a costume (yes, my dad got her a costume--a dinosaur, I do believe).

Our little lion seemed a little lost, so he held onto a Grandma for a majority of the time.

Our little chick (the pumpkin suit was getting a little snug, and Leah reminded us they had this one from when Maggie was a baby)

We finally found Karyn (just a couple phone calls involved) and got to see her little pumpkin, Philip.

The cousin crew (minus Miles). I think we'll be seeing princesses for the next few years. The boys will add some variety to the photos.

The end of the night--all done!

1 comment:

Mars said...

Cute pics! I love the little chic. That is so adorable.