Saturday, November 29, 2008

Weekend Recap

Well, we made it through our Thanksgiving! My parents flew up to Alaska to spend Thankgiving with family up there, and since it was our year to be with my side (we switch each year--Thanksgiving with one side, Christmas with the other), we decided to have it at our house with Brian & Emily and Blake. Sickness threw a little hitch in my plans for the festivities, but we did it anyway, and I'm glad we did. Everyone said the food was tasty (I couldn't taste a SINGLE thing all day--such a big bummer!), and the kids loved playing with their uncles and aunt. Brian brought over their Wii and an extra TV (so they could watch football at the same time), which provided our entertainment. Brian and the kids were the only well ones, so they're the only ones to make it in a photo. Blake and Emily were both sick, too. We're we a pathetic bunch?

By Friday my antibiotics had kicked in, and I was feeling quite a bit better. Greg was feeling somewhat better, too, and I'm so glad because I did NOT want to miss my annual early morning shopping with Michelle. This year we were on the road by 5am, and as always, we had so much fun! I had no idea we were risking our lives by shopping on Black Friday. So, so sad what greed can do to people. We actually went to Walmart, and it was crazy. I don't know that we'll go there early in the morning next year--just not worth it and not very fun. We had a great time everywhere else, though. We stick fairly close to home and always see people we know. Michelle and I both enjoy the thrill of a good deal. Our lists are usually pretty short (no shopping cart needed), so retailers aren't making much off us, and really, it's just fun for us to hang out together and shop, kid-free, for several hours at a time. We'll do it again next year, I hope!

Our family always gets a Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, and I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to this year, but Greg mustered up the energy to make it happen. Thanks, my love! :) We went back to the same place we got our tree last year. Mom and Dad came with us in their truck and got a tree, too. The kids fed the ducks and geese, it didn't rain on us, and the nice tree farm lady gave the kids lollipops. It was an all-around successful outing. We'll get our tree up soon.

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1 comment:

Jenne said...

sounds like you are on the mend. Will you at least be able to taste the leftovers?

And you got to see some crazed shoppers first-hand, huh? You are braver than I am!! I hope that your "fun tradition" remains just that: FUN!!

See you at church.