Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, from the infirmary

We have much to be thankful for, and right now, I'm thankful for parents who love us and who are willing to come pick up our kids so we can get a couple hours of rest. Kari and Joel are both doing better, recovering from their ear infections. I am suffering through a sinus infection, and Greg is currently in bed with a nasty cold or whatever it is we've had, feeling miserable, too.

This may not go down as our best Thanksgiving ever, but we do have much to be thankful for--our family, our three little kids, our home, Greg's job (and health insurance), friends, our church. God has blessed us with so much.

May you have a wonderful day of thanksgiving with friends and family!


Jenne said...

Oh Andrea! I am so sorry your week turned from sick to sicker!!! I hope you have some antibiotics for your infection. And yes, how good it is to have parents to come and save us when we so need the help!!

Cheryl Licht said...

Dear Andrea,
I'm so sorry it was such an icky Thanksgiving to remember! Of course I heard about it from your mom. I felt so bad for you guys!!! I'm interested to hear how it turned out. We missed you up here.
Love, Cheryl
PS. Thanks for the CD!!!! I wanted to do the same for you, but I'm not as technologically inclined. :-)