Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mom Vacation

I had the BEST time the last three days at the bazaar. I sold more covers than I was expecting, and I just really enjoyed my time with the other two ladies with whom I shared a booth. Both have young children and are in the same phase of life that I am. They're people I've known for a long time but not well and don't get to see often. We spent lots of time chatting, sharing ideas, talking about our kids and husbands (positive talking--no bashing going on). It was just a lot of fun. It's been a very long time since I've spent that much time away from the kids. It was great because I was away, but I was close (a 10 minute drive) and was able to come home at night and be around in the mornings, too. I ran home once each day to feed the baby and say "hi" to Kari and Joel, and Greg brought all three kids out Friday night, but pretty much it was a "mom vacation" for me. I got paid to relax and chat with people! What a deal! The kids did great without me. (Do they even need me??) I was kind of nervous aout how it would work out, nursing baby and all, but Aubrey did really well. Joel gave me an extra long hug when they visited Friday night, so maybe he missed me a little.

I saw many old friends and got to chat with a lot of people I just don't see very much anymore, some I haven't seen in years. I was able to relax and have uninterrupted conversations without a child "needing" something from me. I didn't have to do anything! I had a wonderful time, and I'm so thankful to Greg, my mom, and to my mother-in-law for watching the kids and giving me the opportunity to do this. I appreciated the time away so much. It was refreshing to step outside the daily routines of my life, to gain a little perspective, and to remember that I am more than "just a mom." I came home very tired today but energized at the same time. I'm ready to get back into mom mode again. So, thank you, Noel and Kari, for inviting me to share your booth with you. Looking forward to next year's bazaar!


Megan said...

That is so great Andrea! I am glad that your covers sold so well, and that you got a little vacation so close to home. It is nice to let go of all mommy responsibilities every once in a while. Maybe I will do the bazaar next year, that sounds so nice!

Pate Family said...

Oh I'm so glad it went well! I intended to ask you about it at church- sounds like it was a fun time.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you decided to join us this year. I had such a fun time with you too! And ya, it was great to do something non-mommy for a little while. But I'm also ready to be back. Although I'm not ready for all the housework that I've neglected due to frantic sewing for a month:) Noel

Cheryl Licht said...

Yeah, I'm glad it all when so well! So now what will do you with all your hard-earned cash?