Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The baby

Our baby turned 8 months old this last weekend, and she celebrated by getting another cold. She's been a healthy baby and only seen the doctor for well-child visits, but this is her third significant cold. She's pretty happy this morning, as you can see here. Notice the pacifier. About a month ago, she decided she didn't really care for her binkie anymore. Then about two weeks ago, she completely refused to take it--pursed her lips and batted it away when we tried to give it to her. I realized once she wouldn't take it anymore that I DO care about her binkie, for I have become her one and only pacifier--not good. So, I've been on a mission this week to bring back the bink. I got her some bigger onces, 6month+, and she's taking them, sort of. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure there are those who think this is not a good idea, and I may later (as in, a year from now when I'm trying to take it away) come to regret this decision, but for now I am hoping she becomes reattached.

The 8-month-old toothy grin. She's been making some great scrunch faces lately. These photos make her hair look red, but really it seems to be turning more brown than red. It's a color somewhere between Kari and Joel's hair colors. What else is new...Aubrey doesn't seem to be in any hurry to crawl. She is content to just sit and play and hates it when she falls over or ends up on her tummy. Will she be a bottom scooter like Joel? I hope not. Kari crawled at 9 months, so maybe Aubrey will, too.

Aubrey loves her big sister and brother. They are both so good with her. She gets so excited when she sees them, especially first thing in the morning and after naps. She waves frantically and squeals with happiness. I'm sure once she's on the move, knocking down their towers, and getting into their things, her older siblings won't always think she's so very cute, but for now, it sure is fun to watch their interactions.
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1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

She is just so adorable, Andrea! I can't believe what an incredible combination of Moffat and Arnold she is! What a cute little family!

love from Alaska,