Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A little this, a little that

Walking back to our car last week after picking up Kari from preschool, we saw a lady walking in to pick up her child with three small children in hand and a baby on her back. Kari watched them go by, quietly added up the total number of children as she climbed into the car, and then I heard, "I KNOW we're going to have five kids someday." Really. Wouldn't count on it, my dear. I often think about having another baby, but on days like today, I feel that three is plenty. Five? I don't think so.
Her expression made me laugh.
Look at the big teeth we have now. She's getting so old! She learned how to wave this last week. We've been saying lots of "hi" to get her to do it. Doesn't work for "good-bye" yet, though. We're working on it.
Kari earned a gift certificate to a local Bible book store by saying 32 verses this last year, and she's been asking for a Bible of her very own that "has all the words that Mommy and Daddy's Bibles have," so we used the gift certificate to get her a "real" Bible. She gave Joel her little New Testament, and the two of them sat down after lunch and told Aubrey Bible stories. Aubrey learned about the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his on the sand, and she heard about David and Goliath and various other biblical figures.
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Jenne said...

I love it that she is so excited about having her own "real Bible." That is just great. I pray that enthusiasm hangs on. And maybe when Davis is 27 and a man of God, and Kari is 24 and a woman of God, the two might like to compare scripture knowledge and a love for the Lord over a cup of coffee. (This comment will make more sense when you read my post from today.)

Wilson Family said...

How fun! We bought Kenneth a bible with his gift certificate too! Its been sitting on a shelf for hmm... about 5 months now.... we keep waiting for a special/meaningful time to give it to him. Hopefully we'll make that time be soon.