Friday, October 10, 2008

Have I become a once a week blogger? Just temporarily--been busy.

Aubrey's learned that blowing air out your mouth with your lips pursed makes fun noises, and so she practices her new trick at various times throughout the day. It makes meal times more exciting, for sure.
I call this one "scary baby eyes."

Sweet baby girl

You can't see it very well, but she got her right front tooth in earlier this week and is working hard on the left one.

Kari's face is on the mend from her accident on Sunday. She's had green bruises on her cheek. Her pale, pale skin makes every little mark and bruise stand out for all to see. I was thankful she was looking better by Thursday when she went to preschool.

New hats for the older two. Take a look at the very last photo. Notice Joel's "Clearly Lasik" hat and his very proud, excited facial expression. Last week Greg brought a bunch of stuff home for the kids from the health fair at work, and Joel LOVED that hat. He wore it all week, everywhere we went, much to my chagrin. I tried all summer (unsuccessfully) to get him to wear a hat, and then Greg brings home this hideous one, and he loves it. Crazy kid. So, while he did look pretty cute in his Clearly Lasik too-big-for-him hat, I thought I'd give it another try. The Children's Place bear hat did the trick. You may still see him sporting "Clearly Lasik" occasionally, since I don't have the heart to take away Daddy's beloved "gift," but at least we have another option.


bebbin said...

My oh my, does she look like her sister or what!? So cute. I love my nieces and nephew!
Aunt Em-o-we

Jenne said...

We can be once-a-week bloggers together, ok? I always hope to make it there more often to actually add something but there is SO MUCH TO DO most days (and so little inspiration for me on the other days).

Pate Family said...

The Clearly Lasik hat makes me laugh! Thelittle quirks of kids are so fun.