Friday, October 24, 2008

Maybe we should get a fish

Our conversation on the way home from preschool--

Kari: Mrs. Weber asked us about our pets today.
Me: Oh really! What did you say?
Kari: Well, when she asked me, I told her I have a little white puppy [my thought at this point: Oh, no! She lied!] STUFFED pet.
Me: Ahh! Well, that was a good thing to tell her.
Kari: Uh-huh, and I think Syndey has the same kind of pet, too.

We are a pet-free household right now, and it's likely to stay that way for quite some time (at least until we no longer have very small children, or forever, if Greg has his way), so thank you, Sydney's parents, for not making us the only parents in the class who are depriving their children of the joy of pet ownership.


Ellie said... Brings back memories. I had three fish when I was little. All died. (This topic would make a very funny post, actually.) Broke my heart. We finally gave up and years later tried guinea pigs. GREAT PETS!!!! They're soft and furry and you can hold them.

Anyway...let's just say the majority of my life our family has been a "stuffed pet" family. Works great that way! I mean, In what other way can you have multiple bears for pets?

Jenne said...

Let the record show that we, too, will be ruining our children by depriving them of furry creatures (aside from an annoying barn cat that thinks he ought to be an indoor lap cat) for many years to come. There is little redemption in poop-scooping, replacing gnawed furniture pieces, and comforting a child whose favored toy was digested by a four-legged "friend."
Again, our eldest children can swap sob stories over coffee.

Cheryl Licht said...

I'm afraid our family will be joining the ranks of the stuff animal pets. We don't like the stink, fur, and obxiousness of them all. Plus we live so close to the highway that we don't wan't to tell our children about the pancake affect the car had on our beloved pet. So our kids will have to enjoy the moose and spruce hens and foxes all from our window and go to Grandma's to pet dogs and cats. (Although I must confess, if I weren't allergic --- I might try to convince Philip of a kitty, because I really do love them.)