Friday, October 17, 2008


Our next-door neighbor's house was broken into and burglarized yesterday in broad daylight, through the front door! I was gone for a total of an hour all day, so it's very likely it occurred while I was here at home with the kids. Our neighbor lives alone and is always gone during the day. He has a note attached to his front door that instructs postal workers/delivery people to leave packages around back, so it is obvious to any passerby that he is not home. But I am!! We live on a very quiet street, and I have always felt very safe in our neighborhood, but I will be keeping my doors locked and will be more vigilant for a while now, especially knowing some of what they stole--guns, probably to pawn, as two of them were heirloom, but still...

Ironically enough, last night I got the best night of sleep I've had in over 2 months. Aubrey finally slept through the night again (up at 6:30am instead of 3 or 4am), and Joel did not wet the bed, which has been happening a couple times a week lately, so I got 8 blessed hours of uninterrupted slumber. Had some scary dreams about intruders, but at least I was asleep.


Cheryl Licht said...

Oh Andrea, don't be afraid -- that won't do much good. But I do understand your anxiety --- when we were broken into in broad daylight last year it was VERY unnerving. The crazy thing now is that the trooper investigating the whole deal was recently busted for drug use too......jeesh. Makes me feel so secure. Good thing our security rests in Jesus, huh?

Wilson Family said...

Yikes- that's no fun!

The Miller Family said...

Oh Andrea I am so sorry.