Monday, December 22, 2008

Photos for our Alaska Family

This was from yesterday. Brian and Emily came over to play. Kari and Joel could actually walk on top of the snow because of the layer of ice.
And then this is what we woke up to this morning. It's still snowing! While it's beautiful, it's making things difficult logistically around here. I would love a white Christmas, but I want to be able to spend it with the rest of our family--together.

It's been a crazy week weather-wise, and on top of that, Greg's been suffering off and on from a kidney stone. He spent Thursday morning in the ER and spent a couple hours at Urgent Care Saturday. He's on pain killers, but it's putting a damper on our winter fun. If you think of us, pray that he starts feeling better soon. Thankfully, his company closed their facilities today due to the weather conditions, so he didn't have to try to go to work today.
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Cheryl Licht said...

Coming from this Alaska family member, I am IMPRESSED! That's insane! That would be a good snowfall for even these parts! Looks like you're going to need either a dog team or snowmachine to get anywhere soon. Hope you think of some more fun indoor activities. :-)

One of my favorite memories of a snow day was in high school and we were all stranded for a coupld days, and my mom made homemade maple bars and both of my parents came out and played in the snow will all of us. It was so much fun. Maybe you should go make a snow village, an igloo, a snowmen family, etc. :-)

Whitworth Family said...

Wow, it looks beautiful there. It looks like you have as much as we do and we have a lot this year. Luckily you are very organized so I'm hoping you didn't have any shopping left to do. Well I hope you have a wonderful white Christmas and can make it to see all the fam. Blessings and healing to Greg in Jesus Name. He has been sick for way too long. Merry Christmas. Love you all.

Pate Family said...

Andrew says to tell Greg he is so sorry and it is a horrible thing to deal with. I'm sorry I'm not there (were stuck in Eastern Oregon) to be available to take your kids if you need it- you remember you were the one who got my phone call of panic when Andrew came home convinced he was about to die of pain. You saved our kids from seeing him in a not good place! Not a fun memory in the Pate household... Have a Merry Christmas!