Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Big Five-Year-Old

Kari turned five today--FIVE! I'll probably feel this way every year, but it just seems crazy that Kari is five.

Kari Lynn, I'm excited to watch you learn and grow this next year. Five-year-olds are definitely out of the toddler years. You've entered the "kid" world, and I think it will suit you well. You like things in order and have definite opinions about how things should be in your life. One of your favorite things to do is to "organize," whether it be your sock drawer, your little kitchen, my sewing supplies, or the destined-to-be-messy random container cupboard. You love wearing skirts and dresses and are very sad when you have to wear pants, which isn't very often. I have pretty much stopped buying pants and now look for warm tights and leggings. You enjoy being a big sister. You're always on the lookout for dangerous-for-Aubrey items and do a good job watching out for her. You have fun playing with Joel, even though he doesn't always do what you want him to anymore. It's fun to watch your relationship with your brother develop. You can be very silly and especially love it when Daddy gets silly with you. You two make quite the pair when you start laughing. You just started answering the phone at home and do it very well. You are doing well in preschool and can count to 100 now, thanks to Daddy's efforts. You love working on crafts of all kinds. You love books and writing in your "journal." Here are some of your "favorites" right now: favorite CD--Veggie Tale Worship (you can really belt it out in the back of the van); favorite foods-- taco soup, "leftovers" for lunch (you're currently anti-sandwich), corn dogs, apples, broccoli, anything sweet; favorite movie: Sleeping Beauty.
We love you very much and look forward to what this next year holds for you. Happy Birthday!

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Ellie said...

Wow, Kari! Happy Birthday! I remember the Sunday after you were born because your Grandpa put your picture on the church slideshow. You are an amazing girl and I have loved getting to know you these past five years. Happy Birthday!


Nicole said...

Happy Birthday, Kari! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed playing in the snow:) You are so much fun and have your own personality. I can't wait to see the person you will grow up to be!

Wilson Family said...

Happy Birthday Kari!!

Jenne said...

Happy Birthday Kari!!