Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Part 3, New Phase

Life as we know it at this home is over, for we have a crawler! Aubrey decided to move forward the day of Kari's party, and I'm so excited for her (and for us--I think it's so fun!) We got her to show off her new skills by putting this container of sprinkles just out of reach.
She's pretty proud of herself.

With Grandma during Kari's party. It was a little dangerous on the floor for her with all the people and kids running around.
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Jenne said...

Way to go Aubrey!! Yes, life as your parents knew it is OVER!!! But crawling is so wonderfully cute and fun. Just promise you won't crawl over to your mommy's legs while she is cooking dinner and cry-cry-cry until she picks you up. (You wouldn't do THAT, would you?!?!)

Faith said...

She is SO cute!