Monday, December 08, 2008

Round 3 (or 4 or 5?)

Just to make sure I REALLY don't get anything done for Kari's birthday or for Christmas or for anything else I might have on my to-do list, Aubrey decided to get a raging ear infection, two of them actually. Doesn't she look just slightly pitiful here? And she's still smiling! I worried about her red-rimmed eyes all weekend. Poor baby had more going on than a cold and some red eyes. She was pretty miserable yesterday and cried much of the day today, screamed whenever I wasn't holding her, but of course, as soon as we got to the doctor's office, she was little Miss Happiness--laughing, playing, jabbering, waving at people, and jumping in my lap. I felt silly sitting with my cheerful baby in the waiting room. I kept thinking, "I brought her in for nothing..."
Nope. I brought her in for something, just didn't know that "something" was a severe ear infection.

The bottom of the fruit baskets hanging in the kitchen has become the pharmacy. Can you believe that in the last month all three kids have had ear infections (one of many for Joel, but the first one for Aubrey, and first one since 10 months old for Kari) I've had a sinus infection, and Greg's had TWO colds? We need some serious immune system boosters around here. (Lest you think we are not eating healthily, we do have fruit in the house, just not in that basket anymore.)

We had fun this last weekend, despite sicknesses and all. Check out Michelle's blog for photos of our annual Zoolights venture.

The top of my to-do list now reads: comfort sick baby, take care of sick husband, and play with big kids.
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Wilson Family said...

Oh man! Bummer! That's no fun!

Jenne said...

For all the frustration and sickness, you do have your priorities straight. They won't always all be sick... theoretically.

The Miller Family said...

Oh Andrea - hang in there! I am so sorry. Let me know if we can do anything for you - seriously. Maybe the "big kids" can come play and give you parents a rest.