Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas day was with the Moffats.

Sitting down to listen to the Christmas story.

One of the many activities Grandma had prepared for the kids. It gets pretty crazy sometimes with all the cousins together, and Grandma does a great job of planning for them and keeping them busy.

I didn't get any photos of it (actually, I didn't take photos all day; Greg took all these), but the adults even got to play some games during nap time. We had the kids all divided into different rooms, some sleeping, some just "resting" and watching a movie. It worked pretty well!

It was a good day with everyone (lots of yummy food and treats, too), and we made it home safely that evening. We got a little stuck on our unplowed street, but with some tricky maneuvering, Greg was able to get us out. The white Christmas was nice, but I'm glad it's melting. We're just not equipped for snow around here.

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