Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Moclips Friend Retreat

Over Memorial Day weekend, we drove up to Moclips, WA with a bunch of other families, and it was a blast. The lake house we went to last year was not available, so we went to the beach this time. Friends, food, and fun--doesn't get much better. 

Kids played on the beach (and some crazy ones played in the ocean), played board and card games, watched movies. We ventured into the cutest little town, Seabrook, for ice cream and some time exploring the shops. It felt like a movie set, as if it wasn't quite real. Half of our group drove up north to Forks, WA. Forks is a tiny little place with two things it is passionate about--Twilight and Sasquatch. Forks was the setting in the Twilight books, and while very little of the movies were filled there, the town has capitalized on their identity as the Twilight town. They have a whole store devoted to Sasquatch, and there was a Sasquatch convention going on when we were there. These people are very serious about their Sasquatch--totally believe it's real, much to the amazement of the boys who sat and listened in at the conference for a bit. 

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