Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wildwood 2011

We sure had a fun time up at Wildwood on Labor Day. It's become a bit of a tradition, one last "hoorah" before school starts. We had great weather for it this year.

The kids helped build a rock wall in the river to make a little pool to play in. It worked well.

The water was COLD, but the kids didn't seem to mind!

I like this one of Leah and Miles.

Grant's expressions were cracking me up. Such a little imp!

Aubrey was being very serious about her food. All the other kids were in a separate area eating, but she sat by herself and intently ate her two hot dogs, grapes, chips, and watermelon.

Grant wanted so badly to get in the water. I finally gave in and got my feet in the frigid water to let him play. Greg took over for me for a bit so I could take some photos. Grant did not appreciate Daddy's grip to keep him close.

"Ha, ha, Mommy! I'm going to go around these rocks where you don't want me to go!"

Here's Kari getting ready to go down the mini swimmers rapids. A couple of the guys did it a few times before they took kids down and then eventually let bigger kids go down by themselves. Mike J. spent a lot of time in that water helping kids!

There she goes! (I had the wrong camera setting on--bummer it's blurry)

Caught by Mr. Wilson. Andy stayed at his post at the bottom for a long time, too. I'm sure his feet were totally numb. The current slowed way down just a few feet beyond where he was standing, so we knew that if he didn't catch them as they came down, they couldn't go far. He didn't miss any though. :) Kari did it a few times and loved it!

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