Friday, September 23, 2011

In the groove (barely)

The start of the school year combined with lots of soccer made me a little crazy for a couple weeks. There were several other contributing factors, but basically, I wasn't prepared for the mayhem. I thought I was geared up for it, but I wasn't. Our home was in various states of chaos at all times, and there was very little peace around here. Thankfully, things have settled down a bit. Problems at Greg's work, which have been plaguing him since his trip to Ireland, finally got resolved. I got more organized at home, and the kids are finally settling into routines once again. Things still feel crazy sometimes as we try to wolf down dinner so everyone can be out the door by 5:15pm for soccer three (or more) nights a week, but most of the "extras" that come with the start of school are done, and it feels doable. It also helps that the kids are now riding the bus to school in the mornings, (it's the last stop, which is great) and that my friend, Christine, and I are taking turns picking up kids (thank you, Christine!).

Joel is loving kindergarten. He seems to really enjoy having something all his own to tell us about each day. He is also really enjoying soccer this year. In fact, he shocked us by scoring two goals in his first game! Our kid who literally only touched the ball a handful of times last year has become a decent little soccer player! What a difference a year makes.

Going for it...

fighting for it...

got it!

and he scores! (I was cheering at this point and forgot to take a picture of the ball going in.)

It took a couple weeks for Kari to get used to all the newness of second grade. We had a few tears over confusion with homework and expectations, but she's figured it out, and is now enjoying her class and teacher. Her teacher's son is on Joel's soccer team (that Greg's coaching), and her daughter is on Kari's soccer team, so we're seeing a lot of Mrs. Jones, and she's seeing a lot of us! :) Kari is also enjoying seeing a lot of her good friend, Ellie, as they are in the same class this year and on the same soccer team again. Kari's playing at the next level this year with all girls, which is pretty fun. She's a go-getter on the field and runs hard and fast! She's got a competitive streak. :)

We have another month and a half of soccer fun ahead of us! It really is fun, even if it feels overwhelming at times schedule-wise. Taking photos is difficult this year because of Grant. It's a full-time job keeping him off the field and out of trouble. :)

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