Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just Aubs

Quote from Aubrey while waiting to pick Kari up from school:
[Sigh] "I wish Kari would just ride the bus so we wouldn't have to wait in this stinkin' long line!"

Yes, it is a "stinkin'" long line, and I'm working on figuring out a more doable carpool plan with a friend, but until then, Aubrey, you just have to have patience.

(Right now I'm taking kids to school at 8am, picking up my kindergartner at 11am, and picking up my 2nd grader at 2:30pm. It's the afternoon pick up that's the killer. The bus ride is 35-40 minutes, so we're not doing that every day, not when we live one and a half miles from the school, and she could be home that much sooner.)

Sometimes Aubrey seems to be 3-going-on-13, but other times she does three-year-old things (like throwing tantrums) that remind us she's still so little. I need to write down more of her "isms." She often adds an extra past tense to her verbs. Yesterday I heard:
"Ow, I accidentally brushed'ed my ear!"
"Mommy, I pooped'ed!"
"Someone moved'ed my tent! Must have been the Grant-man."
I realize all three examples have exclamation points, but that's how she talks. :)
The video is kind of random. Aubrey's singing the planet song G&G Moffat taught all the grandkids in Sunriver this summer (had a space theme for the week). She sings it often, and I finally got it on video.

Aubrey planet song from Andrea Moffat on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Ryan and Michelle Moffat said...

That is so funny, Ashlynn just sang it for her entire class today because they are doing a unit on space. Never knew that song would be so helpful.