Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Rocky start, smooth finish

Kari woke up early to get ready for her first day of second grade. She had the usual first day "butterflies," but I didn't realize how severe it was until I tried to say good-bye after walking her in to her classroom and helping her get settled. I had to peel her arms off my waist and leave her in tears. Oh my. Very uncharacteristic of Kari. I prayed all morning that she'd recover quickly and have a good day. It was VERY chaotic at the school in the morning, probably due to a last minute teacher hire (Friday afternoon) and classroom switches, and Kari does not do well in chaos. She is still in the same class, thankfully, but it added to the anxiety levels and made the first day a little bumpy for everyone. I felt sorry for the teachers. It certainly wasn't an ideal start, but oh well!

She was all smiles when she hopped in the car at pick-up. Second grade was "way better" than first grade and is going to be "way easier" because it goes by faster and is more fun. I asked how long she was sad, and she said "maybe two or three minutes." :) We sat and enjoyed some cookies and milk while she told us all about her day. Normally, we have to pry information out of her, but today she was giving it out freely, it being the first day and all. I'll take it!
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Cheryl Licht said...

I'm glad it turned out well, Kari Lynn. No doubt thanks to your Mom's prayers!

Faith said...

Glad the rest of the day was better than the beginning:) Good to see you in passing. I couldn't believe how crazy that line was! Joel is starting Kindergarten, right?

Denee said...

She looks so grown up! If the kids were feeling the chaos, I can only imagine how the teachers were feeling! Ugh. At least it can only get better from here. Glad she had a good first day!