Sunday, January 16, 2011

5 months

I'm a little late on this one. He's almost 5 1/2 months now. Our little man sure is getting big. He still holds the award for our worst sleeper, but his huge smiles and delightful laugh make me forget how tired I am. I just love this little guy!

He is still a crazy jumper and still loves attention, especially the attention of his adoring siblings. They like to find new ways to make him laugh, and he rewards them by laughing at pretty much anything they do. He's playing with toys more these days, grabbing at whatever we have in our hands, and drooling like crazy. A cold and lingering cough was giving him some trouble for a couple weeks, but I think he is finally over that, for the most part.

My recent efforts (and failures) in trying to help him nap and sleep better have served as reminders to me that even after having three children, we still don't have it all figured out. Every kid is different! Someday, Grant, you will sleep, and that will be a glorious day, but until then, I am choosing to enjoy you, Baby, while you're still a baby. It goes by all too quickly.
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1 comment:

AK Albers Family said...

How fun finding your blog today, Andrea! I was looking at Leah's also; it's great to see how you guys are doing. I especially liked the video from the Christmas program at Cornerstone - brings back great memories.

"Hi" to everyone!