Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Kids are back to school, and Greg is back to work now, but we really enjoyed our Christmas break. Greg took some vacation, like he usually does between Christmas and New Years, so we had a lot of family time. We went and saw Tangled one day(and really liked it). We went to a bounce/jump play place another day, and we even squeezed in some sledding before the snow completely melted. The kids were very busy playing with all their gifts (and we were busy trying to find places to put them!) Here's Greg getting some quality Littlest Pet Shop play time in with Aubs.

We only got a dusting of snow at our house that melted before the kids could even get outside, but our friends out in Sandy got a couple inches. So, before it completely disappeared, we met them at the park near their house, and made a couple sledding runs. The kids all had a blast. Aubrey scrunched her eyes shut every time she went down the hill and sat up, grinning and saying "again" at the bottom.
I appreciated the fact that we were only 15 minutes from home, as opposed to all the way up the mountain (our original plan), and that it was FREE, as opposed to the $20 a person (gasp!) the sledding place we went to last year was asking. I had Grant bundled up and in the baby carrier with me. He stayed toasty warm, and I played photographer for the morning.

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