Thursday, September 30, 2010

Preschool Days

Joel is still loving preschool. He eagerly anticipates every Thursday and Friday when he gets to go again. Here he is with his first homework assignment, an All-About-Me Robot poster. We discovered he is like me in that he has a difficult time narrowing down "favorites." Here are his responses.

When I grow up I want to be: a fireman, a zoo keeper, and a daddy
Something I like to do at school: centers (especially the bean table)
Something I like to do at home: play outside, play in the little pool, swing, play soccer
Favorite Food: corndog and pizza
Favorite Color: blue and red
Favorite Animal: dog
Favorite Book: Can I Bring My Pterodactyl to School, Ms. Johnson?
I Help Others By: sharing, by bringing things when people need them, helping them up if they fall down, cleaning up, setting the table
I Am Special Because: Mommy and Daddy love me. God loves me. I'm a good big brother. I am nice to other people.

It was Crazy Hat day today, so yesterday we created a crazy hat for him to wear. I love that he still thinks my ideas are great, no matter what they are. He got so excited and had so much fun finding things around the house to glue onto his hat. He colored paper with crayons and cut pieces with zig-zag scissors to glue on between the snakes, glow-in-the-dark bugs, wiggle eyes, and puff balls. He wore his Crazy Hat with pride.  

1 comment:

Mark Moffat said...

Wow Joel...your hat is amazing! Nice job creating that!