Thursday, October 07, 2010

Two Months Old

The two month milestone with Grant finds us seeing more and more smiles, hearing a little less crying, and getting a little bit more sleep. I'm still getting up an average of three times a night, but that's WAY better than 4 or more times. I'll take what I can get! At his doctor appointment today he was 12 lbs 8 oz and 23 1/2 in (75th percentile in both). I am so thankful for a healthy baby.

Grant is interacting with us a lot more and loves it when people talk to him. His arms and legs start going, his face gets more animated, and he makes cute baby sounds. He also loves having his diaper changed. That's when I get the best grins. There have been times he's gone from screaming to grinning when we have taken off his diaper, so after we've exhausted all our other ideas and tried all our other tricks, that's what we do. It often works and has only backfired a couple times. :)
He's looking like a regular baby now, as opposed to a newborn. Here he is in his "man" outfit that he wore to church on Sunday. He definitely has the old man look going on, complete with mini comb-over. He's a cute little old man, though. I was looking at two-month photos of the other kids, and they all had more hair than he has right now. Boy's don't need hair, right?

I can't get enough of this smile.

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