Friday, September 10, 2010

Left Behind

Before I forget, my baby smiled, as in really smiled, at me today! He is 5 1/2 weeks old, and this morning he was happy to see me and gave me a big grin. The chances of catching a smile with the camera are slim at this point, though, so no photo yet. I don't really want to take pictures of him now anyway as his face and head are still all rashy. It's looking a little better, but it's still pretty bad. I want my smooth, kissable baby cheeks back! His nose has been the only place on his head that has been rash-free.

It felt very strange to just have two kids at home yesterday morning after we dropped Joel off at school. Grant was sleeping, so it was just Aubrey and I. Our house felt empty, and so much quieter! I had been worried that Aubrey might make a scene that first day of preschool because she was convinced she was going to school, too, but she must have realized the truth at some point because there was no scene--just one sad little girl. I perked her up as we were leaving by mentioning a tea party. It's amazing how a little "tea" (apple juice), some cheerios and marshmallows, and Mommy's undivided attention can change a little girl's mood. We played a game of Candyland, too, so it was pretty much the ideal morning in Aubrey's eyes. :)

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Mark Moffat said...

Aubrey! How special!!

Denee said...

For some reason, her eyes remind me of your mom's. They have so much life and playfulness! That sounds like a very special morning. She sure has a lot of changes in her life right now...maybe more than the other two. Glad she'll get more mommy time w/ the other 2 in school!