Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First day of school--1st grade

Our first grader was up and ready for school before her alarm this morning. She actually was ready last night for this first day to come and go, I think. She wanted to shower and get ready for bed at 6pm.  I drove her to school this morning and walked her to her classroom. She put her things away, and we helped her find her table. I knew for certain that she was nervous when a little boy at her table said, "Hi! What's your name?" and there was absolutely no response from Kari. She wouldn't say a word, but that's what she does when she's in a new situation or is scared. As my dad put it, Kari is an enigma. She has a strong personality but is an introvert. I've been praying that she has a good first day and starts to feel more comfortable soon. I only shed a few tears as I drove away from the school this time. She's riding the bus home (for the first time) with a neighbor girl from across the street, and we'll go meet her at the bus stop in about an hour.

Even though she was nervous, I think she really was excited to go back to school and start first grade. She smiled for my photo and happily hugged her brothers and sister good-bye.
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Unknown said...

I'm so proud of her!

Pate Family said...

She looks darling! Hope it was a great day!

Mark Moffat said...

Hope you had a great day Kari, we'll talk to you soon