Friday, July 03, 2009

Splash Park

We had plans to go the splash park earlier this week but just didn't feel up to it. When the temperature gets above 85 degrees, though, it starts sounding more appealing. The kids and I went and picked up Michelle and the girls, crammed all 5 car seats in the van, and headed out. It was a fun time. Good idea, Aunt Michelle!

The one of Kari on the bottom row cracks me up. Is she 5 or 15? She wasn't even posing for the camera! Out of all the kids, I think Aubrey enjoyed the water the most. I also have to add that I completely enjoyed the fact that Joel wasn't stressed about the water getting in his eyes. Thank you, swim lessons!

1 comment:

Stephanie L. said...

Great pics, Andrea. Looks like fun. We haven't made it down there yet this year. You couldn't have planned that pose from Kari... watch out!