Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fireworks and BBQ

It was quite a crew at the Wilson's this year. Here are most of the kids (4 or 5 of the babies were already asleep and inside)--impressive lot, don't you think?
We enjoyed some good food and had fun watching the kids (and Andy and Greg) shoot down the slide into the little pool. (It was a scorcher of a day!) After dinner we had a parade, complete with loud instruments and flags, down to the neighborhood park so the kids could burn off some energy and to whittle away some time before fireworks. I put Aubrey down while everyone headed to the park. She was asleep by 7pm and slept til we woke her up to leave at then end of the night. The guys put on quite the pyro show for us in the street once it started to get dark. Most of the kids LOVED every second (see Joel's smile?), but a few of the younger ones weren't too keen on all the noise and sparks. I'm not all that keen on it myself (the potential for danger makes me nervous, especially with the kids close by), but the enjoyment my husband (and all the other husbands, too, I think) and all the kids get out of it is worth it, as long as no one gets hurt, and no one did. We ended the evening watching the big fireworks show in Sandy from the comfort of Andy and Jen's backyard. Thanks, guys, for putting on a great party, once again!

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Jenne said...

What a fun shin-dig it was! You got some great shots, I must say. Nice work.

Amy Woodard said...

What a fun thing to do! Love the parade idea! We've been having marching bands here with those fun musical toys you all sent us. Elijah is actually pretty good on the harmonica! Looks like you all had a great time! Happy 4th!