Monday, July 27, 2009


Friday evening was our very first tent camping experience. Sleep deprivation aside, we had a great time. It was fun to be with friends and fun to watch our kids enjoy the new experience. Joel discovered a new hobby--throwing rocks into the river. Kari enjoyed the s'mores, relished the freedom of running wild with the other kids, and learned to appreciate all the dirt and grime that comes with "roughin' it." Aubrey learned that Doritos taste really good and kept us on our toes as she ran around the campfire, toward the edge of the hill, and into the trees. She was quite the ragamuffin, as you'll see from the photos (have to take a closer look). Aubrey was the cause of our lack of sleep. After way too much screaming, she finally fell asleep at 10:30pm (normal bedtime is at 7pm) and then awoke at 4:30am--not good. Thankfully, we have understanding friends who also have screaming little kids, and they weren't too bitter over the early morning wake up call. Greg was our breakfast chef, so he just got an early start on the meal.
We'll go again sometime because we really did have a good time, but maybe not for a while, and maybe never again with a 17 month old. I meant to blog about our little trip sooner, but after we got home, Aubrey got sick (maybe all the Doritos, the heat, the lack of sleep?) and kept us up late again--more sleep deprivation. She's better, and we're about caught up on our sleep now, I think.
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Cheryl Licht said...

Looks like fun. You got some great pictures. Where did you go?

Greg and Andrea said...

Way up past Sandy. We camped right next to the Sandy River on some property our friends' parents own. It's beautiful up there.

Curtis and Jane said...

Man, Aubrey is such a perfect mix of the two of you! Such a cutie.