Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ever have one of those? That was yesterday. I'm so glad yesterday is over. I say this, not for sympathy, really, but just to be a little more authentic about our life with a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a 2-month-old. I tend to blog about the fun things we do or the silly things the kids do or say. Most days around here are pretty good, and the transition to three kids truly has been easier than I thought it would be, easier even than the transition from one kid to two kids. However, we do have some bad days, and Monday, April 28th, was one of them. Nothing horrific or devastating happened. It was pretty much just tired, under-the-weather kids acting their ages in the worst ways. Sunday wasn't all that great either, so we figure we're not due for another day like that for quite some time now, right?


Dan Franklin said...

It's so great to see pictures of Aubrey and your (growing) family.
You guys rock.


Jenne said...

Yeah. Those days are no fun. Kids are cranky, and mom is irritable. And I hope the next bad one is a long time away from now.