Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Who decided there should be carpets in bathrooms?

I washed the rug in the kids' bathroom for the umpteeth time today, and it is not going back down. Rugs and semi-potty-trained toddlers just cannot co-exist. Joel was pretty much potty trained before Aubrey was born. We got the difficult part of the process over early, for which I am VERY thankful. However, our just-turned-2-year-old has lost some of his motivation. He really does do well most of the time, but we're trying to think of new ways to motivate him. Right now we're varying the potty treats, which seems to be helping. He's totally capable of holding it and making it to the toilet. We know this because he went for weeks without an accident and rarely has accidents when we're out at the store or running errands. For some reason, though, lately he just doesn't really care. I sort of expected a bit of a regression after Aubrey was born, so I'm not surprised, just a little annoyed with the messes, especially the ones that involve the bathroom rug just a couple feet from his potty chair.

So, those of you were jealous of the relative ease with which Joel was toilet trained can find a teeny bit of satisfaction in the fact that, two months later, we're still not quite done.


Wilson Family said...

Oh man! I feel your pain!!! We seem to be at the same point with Aidan! I too have removed the bathroom rug (for the second time!!) its just not worth the effort at this point!! We have good days where he's 100% and then those days that I feel like I'm changing wet jeans, underware, and socks 10 times a day!! Rotating treats is a good idea - I've got lazy with rewarding him, so maybe a little sugar encouagement will help! Don't worry my friend, someday we'll be able to have rugs in our bathrooms again!! =)

Pate Family said...

2 months? Still can't really feel sorry for you. I started PT H. 2 YEARS ago and just yesterday he "just started peeing in my underwear" and so he took them off and HID THEM IN THE CLOSET! What makes it worse NOT OUR CLOSET-he was playing at a friends house. Way to win friends little man. I really am sending Camden over to you to take care of this little parenting task. Clearly I'm not good at it.

rdnaharding said...

I suggest rewards! Bribe them all you can! It me. Find that favorite candy or treat or thing they like. Use a star chart with a great reward at the end. The dollar store is cheap...and they think the are winning big!
Good luck my friend.

Jenne said...

Yes, carpets are maddening in bathrooms - I don't care how cold that floor is in the middle of the night. But one thing is worse in bathrooms, I think, and that is TILE FLOORS WITH GROUT. It is not fun to scrub that scratchy, uneven surface. It just never feels all the way clean!

Oh, and one thing to keep in mind about all issues where we teach self control to our children. First we spend a lot of time patiently training them to have self control. Then, when they have been trained and choose to not exercise the self control they have been taught, discipline is not unreasonable. Use your discretion as always!