Monday, March 10, 2008

Wee Little One

Aubrey is two weeks old today. She's still so tiny and wonderful to hold. It's probably a good thing I have two other kids to take care of, otherwise I'd just want to hold her all day long, never put her down, and get nothing done. Greg went back to work today (paid parental leave is a beautiful thing), so it's back to "normal" life for us.

Kari and Joel are still loving their baby sister. Kari does a great job holding her on the couch, and Joel gives lots of hugs and kisses. He likes to touch her head. He's says, "So soft!" and, "So cute!" in a little high pitched voice. I don't have many pictures of him with Aubrey yet because I'm usually holding (ie. protecting) her when he's giving her "love." It's safer that way.


Megan said...

Aubrey is SO cute. And that picture of Keri hold her is just precious. She looks tiny being cradled by her big sis. I am glad to hear that things are going well!

Curtis and Jane said...

Such a cute little thing! So tiny. And, in my opinion, Kari looks a lot like YOU in pictures-with her daddy's eyes and coloring. :) I just see you in her a lot on this blog. It's kinda fun.

The Miller Family said...

I love seeing how happy your kids are to have a new baby sister. What a blessing

Pate Family said...

She is so adorable! Do you feel like you need to hold her more because you know how fast she is going to be big? I know that is how I've felt with Camden, I know how fast he is going to be a big kid so I have to enjoy every minute of little. Have fun with a tiny, snuggly baby!