Friday, March 21, 2008

Jello Eggs with Grandma

Mom's keeping the Arnold family tradition alive, making Jello eggs with her grandkids. [Note: it's much easier now that they have the jello egg molds. We used to blow out the insides of real eggs, rinse them, and use the real shells--not so easy with holes in both ends.] The kids loved it, of course. Here's a video Dad took while they worked: . It's kind of long for the average viewer, but great for us parents and for grandparents. Skip to 2 minutes 45 seconds if you want to see Aubrey smiling in her sleep.
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1 comment:

Eric 'n Leah said...

We loved watching the video. Sam was calling everyone his...his JoelBoy, his Karilynn, his Nama Vicki, his baby Aubry. That smile was cute! Thanks for sharing your tradition with the internet! Eric