Monday, March 17, 2008

Church and Eggs

These first two photos are courtesy of Laura Stager at church. At the beginning of the service, the kids formed a line and walked to the front with palm branches in honor of Palm Sunday. Joel was supposed to stay right behind Kari in the line. Instead he walked VERY slowly, got way behind Kari, and sort of held up the processional. The little boy behind him was very patient. Kari stayed in the line and as they circled back around, she came and found me, but I had to go looking for Joel. One of the older girls was watching out for him and brought him to me.

Last night we dyed eggs. The kids wore their most colorful t-shirts and really got into it. Joel thought you had to have two eggs in each cup, and he didn't think the spoon thingys necessary. We have brown dyed hands and many earth-tone colored eggs as a result. I finally had to put a time limit on the activity. They would have dyed those same eggs for the next hour if we'd let them.

And this is what Aubrey did while we dyed eggs

1 comment:

Jon and Erin said...

I found your blog this evening. It was GREAT! to see you're all doing well. We'll have to see you again some day. Jon still talks about playing poker with you guys. What a fun family you have.
Erin Woodard