Monday, March 24, 2008

Resurrection Sunday, Bloody Nose, and ER

Well, yesterday Joel decided to carry on Uncle Brian's tradition of smashing his nose and spending some time in the ER on a holiday, except he chose Easter as opposed to Thanksgiving. We really did have a great day at church celebrating Jesus' resurrection and the hope we have in Christ. And we had a great time the rest of the day, too, with grandparents and family...until it was time to go. Everyone else had already gone home, and we were getting ready to leave Grandpa and Grandma Moffat's house when Joel ran across the living room, tripped, and did a face plant right on the corner of the wooden step in the entry way. Daddy, Grandpa, and Grandma swooped into action, and Mommy swooped into panic mode (I don't do very well in these types of situations.). I called the doctor while they all tried to control the bleeding amidst the screaming and thrashing. He smashed his nose pretty good, and it wasn't pretty. Grandma rode in the van with us, with Grandpa following in their car. We dropped everyone off at our house, and Greg and I headed to the ER with Joel. (Just for the record, this was Joel's 4th ER visit. Crazy kid.) We were only there a total of 2 hours--not bad--and Joel was calm and pretty happy at that point. The x-ray showed no broken nose, and the doctor checked him out to make sure nothing else was going on. We did find out he actually has bone in his nose, which apparently is unusual for a kid his age. We had our camera with us, so Greg documented the occasion while we waited. On the way home Joel kept saying something about his shirt, and I didn't understand what he was talking about. Turns out, he was very concerned about his [white] Easter shirt. Grandma had told him she would try to clean it up for him while he was gone, so when we got home, he asked her if his shirt all clean yet. It was. Grandma had cleaned it up well. Never mind that your nose is all bruised and swollen. Just make sure your shirt is clean.

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Eric 'n Leah said...

I appreciate the self-control you both had to show at the end of that ordeal. Sorry you had to end the weekend in the ER. Someday, they will be able to run around without smashing a body part, we have to hold onto that hope, right? laters, Eric

Pate Family said...

Good thing you got the cute Easter pictures BEFORE Easter! Poor little sweetie- hope you are all recovered!