Thursday, May 17, 2007

Is that lotion on your shirt?

I was cleaning up the kitchen after making "smoothie pops" (strawberry popsicles) with the kids, and I realized the house had gotten very quiet--never a good sign when you have two small children. I left the kitchen to investigate and met Joel in the hallway. He was grinning. His shirt and shorts were all wet, and he had what looked like lotion all over his shirt. [This is the point at which some of you may wish to stop reading. It's kinda gross.]

Upon closer examination I discovered it was not lotion on his shirt but pieces of wet toilet paper--dirty toilet paper. I ran to the bathroom and screamed. Kari had gone #2 earlier and had forgotten to flush, and Joel had been playing in the UNFLUSHED toilet! There was toilet paper, nasty water, and poop all over the toilet and bathroom floor. What amazed me, though, was the fact that Kari was on her stool at the sink with the faucet running, playing with a cup of (clean) water. She was right there while he was making his huge mess and didn't say anything! Joel had his pacifier in his mouth when I found him, so I'm hoping it was there the entire time.

I grabbed some paper towel and cleaned up the mess in front of the tub, grabbed yucky Joel-boy and plopped him in. I washed him up, and then proceeded to clean up the bathroom while he played in the tub. Greg came home from work just after I finished. Great timing.

(And no, I did not take any pictures. It was just too gross, and time was of the essence.)


Kristi said...

Isn't it fun being a mom?

Faith said...

Oh gross, I think I threw up in my mouth.

Eric 'n Leah said...

ick, ick, ick. I have to wonder though if it beats Ashlynn crawling around with a dirty wipe in her mouth and eating raw beef off the floor....

Amy Woodard said...

Okay, am I the only one who thinks it's funny? Gross, yes, but funny too! Maybe because we're not there yet...I'm sure I'll get my fair share one of these days! : )

G&G Lind said...

Way to go Joel. You're a big boy!

Wilson Family said...

Yikes! That is worse than my story of the week! What is it with little boys and their fascination with the toliet! Aidan is always trying to get his hands in there, and yesterday I found him dipping his stuffed toy in and out of it! Thankfully the water was clean!! =)