Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day at the ER

We were at a park with some friends who have kids the same ages as ours. Kari, Kenneth, and Aidan were all running around having fun. I (Andrea) decided to take Joel down the spiral slide, but Joel's leg got twisted somehow as we were going down, and then once we were at the bottom, he didn't stop crying for the next half hour. He finally calmed down, but when he tried to walk, he couldn't put any weight on his leg and started crying again. So we spent the afternoon at the emergency room. No broken bones--a very relieved Mommy (and Daddy, too, but Mommy was the one who took him down the slide and feels guilty).
They put a splint on his leg to stabilize the foot and leg for whatever injury there is. It's so hard to tell what hurts! Our best guess is his ankle, but we don't really know.

We kept him entertained with food, bubbles, and balls. It's rough not being able to walk, especially when you just learned how two months ago. At the end of the evening, he started trying to stand and was semi-successful. We'll see how he is tomorrow. Kids are resilient, aren't they?

Kari spent the afternoon having fun with Uncle Brian and Aunt Emily (thanks, guys!), and then met up with us at G&G's for the planned BBQ.

The men relaxing inside, and Greg taking a power nap. We ate too much good food.

This is Kari's new game--"shoot" (with a play gun, no ammunition of any kind) and chase Tostie. The tip of the dog's tail is at the bottom of the photo. They were zipping around so fast, I never did get a good shot. Both Kari and Tostie were exhausted by the time we had to go home. I think this is the first time Kari truly had fun with her "friend" Tostie.

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Eric 'n Leah said...

Well, from the sound of the last 2 entries, maybe you should stay indoors and away from park-like areas for a few days!

Curtis and Jane said...

Hey Andrea,
Does Kari need an airsoft gun? I have an extra one with some extra ammunition. That would add some new excitement to her game with Tostie.

ang said...

So sad! Yes, kids are resilient though. He'll be looking for a new injury before you know it! I'm just waiting for my first ER trip with the boys. Oh, the joys and guilts of motherhood!