Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Look at them pearly whites!

Kari went to the dentist today and had her teeth cleaned for the first time. We had a deal that if she did everything they asked her to do that we'd get to go to McDonalds for lunch. She did pretty well. She hopped right up in the chair, opened her mouth wide, let Melissa polish her teeth, and let Dr. Monnes look at her teeth. However, she did not want to have her teeth x-rayed. Tears, more tears, and total refusal--no deal. Melissa said overall, she did very well for a 3-year-old, that some won't even sit in the chair. Kari got to pick a prize (yo-yo ball thing in her hand), which she was very excited about. She came away with quite a goodie bag that helped get her over her disappointment. On the way home she said, "Maybe next time we can go to McDonalds." At least she's planning to go to the dentist again.
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Barry Arnold said...

Too cute. Thanks, Punkin. Sounds like one of those times when everything in you wants to say, "Oh, forget what I said. Let's go to McDonald's anyway." But that's just a grandparent's prerogative, not a parent. You're a fantastic mom!

Greg and Andrea said...

Oh, I was sooo close to just going anyway! I almost caved when I saw her lip quivering and tears welling up, but then I remembered the last couple weeks of discipline issues and the struggles we've been having and decided I probably should set the precedent now. I also thought to myself, "Oh, why did you say she had to do EVERYTHING they told her to! You didn't leave any wiggle room for doing a 'mostly' good job."