Monday, June 24, 2024

Utah Road Trip--Day 4

Day 4–Zion National Park

Hiking The Narrows today was epic. We got up at 5:30am, on the shuttle by 6:30, and to the trailhead shortly after 7am. We hiked as far as we thought we could, and it turns out it was too far for some of us (not Kari). It is not a loop, so you hike in and then hike back out the same way. We got back to the shuttle by 2:30pm. Seven hours of hiking through water, rapids, and over rocks! Going early in the morning was the best—gorgeous light and fewer people. The words, “This is amazing!” came out of my mouth more than once. By the afternoon, it was hot and crowded, and I was tired, just wanted to get back and be done. My ankles, legs, and especially my knee, did not enjoy the hike back. Greg’s recent issues with plantar fasciitis made his trek back rather painful, as well. We were quite the pair and each stumbled and fell in twice. I was the less stable of the two of us—shocker, I know. And I had two walking sticks (totally necessary)! We saw some people attempting it without a walking stick. It did not go well for them.

Kari was in her happy place. Joel also was in the zone. Grant and Aubs were never far behind them, and Greg and I brought up the rear—exactly as I anticipated.

By the time we got back to our hotel to clean up, it was 105 degrees in the park. No more hiking for us today! A drive through the 1.1 mile tunnel, ice cream, a shuttle trip back into the park to the Zion lodge, and dinner back in Springdale finished our day. Not sure how I’m going to hike for three more days, but today was worth the pain! Beautiful sights and great family memories.

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