Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Our baby is two

Our BABY is TWO! I can hardly believe it. What is two-year-old Grant like? Well, he is energetic, intense, determined, stubborn, sweet, and full of fun. He's potty-training and pretty much has it figured out, just doesn't always want to take the time to put his stuff where it belongs. He runs around with no pants a lot of the time these days, sometimes with undies, sometimes not. :) It's summer time; clothes are optional. We're almost done with diapers, but not quite. That will be its own post, I'm sure, when it happens.

Grant is talking in sentences now and tells us in no uncertain terms what he does and does not want. He is a pretty picky eater right now. He likes yogurt, fruit, and hot dogs, but he finally just recently started trying more foods. We've even seen a few small pieces of chicken go down the hatch. He still loves his milk and his binkies. I'm not sure when we'll wage the binkie battle. We're not up for it yet because..he is still our worst sleeper, by far. Most nights he wakes up at least once and ends up talking to us beside our bed (he's no longer in a crib), and that's a vast improvement from what it has been. I can say that he is improving. A couple months ago, I could count on two hands the number of full nights' sleep I'd had since Grant was born, and now that number is eeking its way up to three hands. He's usually up for the day sometime between 5:00am and 6:00am. We have to keep his nap short if we want him to go to sleep at a decent hour (ie, before 9pm). This kid just doesn't need much sleep!

His latest mischievous deeds have included sticking a thumb in my freshly-baked pie, getting into my make-up (mascara and eye shadow all over him and everything around him), picking 17 green tomatoes and chucking them down the hill into the rocks below, and flooding the bathroom floor with water from the sink, twice. I'm thankful his fascination with the toilet has diminished, but I'm not a fan of this new sink fetish. I really don't want to see an inch of water covering our upstairs bathroom again. He was an angel at his well-child doctor visit today, though, and reminded me several times that he expected a sticker at the end of it. He got one.

We had a good time celebrating his birthday with family on Saturday at Grandpa and Grandma Moffat's house--a birthday pool party and bbq. Grant enjoyed the present opening time and knew just what to do. We were all impressed with his interest in the new clothes he received. He wanted to try on all the shirts. :) He knew just what to do with those candles on the cake, too. Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate!

with his little buddy, Cousin Russell (and no pants)
he loved the singing card with the dancing hamster in it

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