Saturday, August 25, 2012

12 Years

We're "celebrating" our anniversary today with sick, whiny kids and a day at home. Thankfully, our true celebration was a couple days ago when we spent a kid-less night at Skamania Lodge and enjoyed 24 hours of peace and relaxation together. We are blessed with gracious, giving, and selfless parents (two sets of them, actually!), and they (Moffat this time) took our kids for the night, even though Grant came down with a fever the day we planned to leave. They all survived just fine, and Greg and I had a wonderful time away.

Twelve years in, and it just gets better and better. God has been good to us. I'm so thankful for the man I married. I love you, Greg. Happy Anniversary!

We hiked up Beacon Rock on our way to Skamania Lodge, and I discovered I have a fear of heights, particularly when not much separates me from the edge of a cliff and certain death. It's quite a hike up that rock! We had a good time, and I'm glad we did it (gorgeous view), but I will NEVER bring my children there. Yikes.

This was at the not-so-scary point when we were no longer on the edge (no pictures on the edge of the rock for me!), but you can see the crazy switchback pathway when we were almost to the top.

On the waterfront in Hood River. We had a yummy breakfast, did a little shopping, and watched some wind-surfers on the river before we headed home.
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