Friday, August 03, 2012

Dusty kids once again

After spending a whole morning in the sand play area at OMSI with Grant and Aubrey and seeing how much fun they were having, I decided it was time to put sand in the sandbox again.  (It has sat empty on the side of the house since we moved in a year ago.) I lugged four 50 lb bags of play sand to the backyard, dumped it all in, set the umbrella up to give them some shade, and the two little ones played for a full hour that first day and longer after lunch. It's not big enough for all the kids to play in (fight, fight!), and I do have sand in my dryer now and then, but I'm not regretting the decision. 

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1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

I cannot wait until something occupies Claire for a whole hour!