Sunday, December 05, 2010

What a week

It's amazing how quickly things can go downhill. We had a great weekend and had fun getting our tree, and then Monday came, and things quickly deteriorated around here. I got a terrible sinus infection, one of the top 5 worst I've had, and had a pretty miserable day on Monday. The kids did pretty well entertaining themselves and giving Mommy grace. Monday evening Kari got sick and started puking. Two hours later, I joined her, and we both were up all night, along with Nurse/Launderer Greg. I commented later on facebook that the sinus infection really was a blessing in a way--no sense of smell! Tuesday was a sick day, really knocked us flat. Wednesday our dryer started malfunctioning (was an easy fix for the repair man when he came, a baby overall button was stuck), and then Wed. evening we discovered a leak under our dishwasher that had been going on for who knows how many weeks. Our dining room and kitchen floors were ruined. Our insurance company came through for us beautifully, though, and it's all going to be covered (thanks, Uncle Matt and American Family!). So, we are getting the damage repaired and having new floors put in tomorrow. It should all be over and done with by Wednesday. Isn't that wonderful? We're feeling pretty thankful.

Here are some photos of the calm before the storm. The kids decorated the tree on Sunday. Usually Greg and I do some redistributing later after they go to bed, but that never happened due to all the crazy happenings, so until a couple days ago, our tree only had ornaments on the bottom half. The neighbor girl I take to school with Kari each morning thought it was pretty funny when she came over later in the week. She helped move some ornaments around.

Grant watched all the action from the recliner. :)
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Denee said...

Oh, that sounds just awful!!

Amy Woodard said...

Sounds awful, Andrea! So glad it's over for you and today you're getting new floors put in! How wonderful!! Hope you all stay well this week!