Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sweet baby feet

In my obsessive efforts to make this... order to complete our set of these...

...I almost missed out on all of this!

(Grant just recently discovered his feet--so cute!)

Birthday season is upon us (Kari's 7th b-day tomorrow), along with the Christmas season, which makes for some stress around here, most of it self-imposed. Even though we will be putting almost nothing in Grant's stocking, and he couldn't care less about a stocking, I really wanted him to have one, and I really wanted to have it done before Kari's birthday so our mantle would be complete for when people come for her parties (yes, more than one). As you can see, I did it! However, two nights ago I decided it would be ok if I didn't get it done in time. The other kids were in bed, Greg was out for the evening, and I was frantically trying to work on the stocking, but Grant was not cooperating. He was tired of sitting in the bouncer and was letting me know it. Complain, fuss, fuss. Feeling frustrated, I put my sewing down and took Grant out of the bouncer. The fussing stopped abruptly, and when I sat him on my knees, I received a big huge grin. I didn't do any more sewing that night. Instead, I played with my baby, let him have some naked diaper time, and spent some time marveling at the amazing gift of roly, poly baby-ness God gave us. I also thought about how God sent Jesus down to earth as a baby, perhaps a roly poly one like mine. It was a sweet time, and I'm so thankful God used Grant to remind me to slow down, take a break, and reflect on the true meaning of this Christmas season.

 I do have to say I'm thankful I got the stocking done, though, too. :) Time to work on the party planning to-do list!

1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

If I could push a "like" button I would. Impressive stockings, Andrea! You've turned into quite the seamstress! That makes me happy. And "like" to the fact that you resisted the urge of your personality to finish right then and put down what you were doing to hang with your baby (I know that's really hard to do sometimes). And, last but not least, Happy Birthday to Kari! I was just telling Darin how it was her birthday and it's been 7 years. Wow! How grown up. Love.