Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Making a list and checking it twice

I so appreciate the classroom newsletter Kari's teacher sends home each week (really like her teacher, too!) It keeps us informed and helps us know what to ask Kari about. This is much needed information since I haven't been able to help out in the classroomthis year and because Kari is not forthcoming with information. This week's newsletter included an interesting and entertaining section--all the kids' Christmas "wish lists." Here's Kari's:
American Girl doll (Kit Kittredge), cat, bike basket, scotch tape, an apple tree...for a treehouse!
There sure were a lot of wishes for animals on that list. I think the kid asking for a llama might be in for some disappointment.


Wilson Family said...

Too funny! I just might need to splurge and get her that scotch tape!! =)

rdnaharding said...

I have the Kit Kittredge doll!!! She is my favorite. In fact she broke her leg (it fell off while playing) and had to go to the hospital. I was devistated to be without her for however long it truely was! The movie with Abigail Breslen is great too!