Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

I only had the camera out for a little while, so I don't feel like the photos represent the good time we had on Christmas Eve with the Arnold side. I didn't even get Grandma or Grandpa in any of them! Just terrible. The kids were super excited and full of energy, as it was the start of Christmas and present opening for them. We had a delicious dinner and did birthday cake for Jesus that night.

When we got home the kids set out the cookies for Santa, along with the picture Joel drew of Santa (on the front) and his reindeer (on the back). They left a note to tell him the milk was in the frig, even though they figured he probably knew where to find the milk since he goes to so many houses every year. Our kids know the real reason we celebrate Christmas, and they know Santa is not real, but they sure had fun pretending. Joel was the driving force behind all the Santa imagining. He really wanted Santa to be real. Greg did his duty and ate the cookies and milk, leaving notes behind for the kids to find in the morning.
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