Saturday, April 25, 2009


The kids are watching one of my favorite movies, Belles on their Toes (the 1952 version). Aubrey likes to be in the middle of things, so she nestled in but was only there for a few minutes before she was on the move again. Her mouth is finally healing from last Sunday's accident. She reinjured herself several times this week (clumsy, reckless toddlerhood), kept running into things, bonking her mouth in various ways. Thankfully, mouths do heal quickly, and if she can keep from splitting it open for more than a day, it should be fine.
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Ellie said...

We have pictures almost exactly like this of when my sisters and I were this age. All three of us used to share a room, so in the morning Savannah and I would wake up Julia and get in her crib to play until Mom came in to get us. : )

B.E. ing Arnold said...

Oh my! I saw this pic last night and only today, after seeing it again, did I realize what each kiddo has wrapped around them! Their 'Aunt Emily Blanket'!
It just warmed my heart so much. What a great way to end my weekend and start the work week. I (and Brian) love your kids very, very much. I may not have a close relationship with my sister, but I am super thankful for my relationship with my sister-in-law! Love you guys,
Auntie Em