Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Adventures of Stari, Cole, and Baby Vaubrey

I knew when I married Greg that he would make a good dad, but I didn't know just how good he would be. Greg is a great dad. He spends time with the kids and plays with them when he gets home from work, even when he's dead tired and had a rough day. He's very good at making them laugh and being silly with them (and, as you know, preschoolers can be very silly). The title of this post is yet another example of the wonderful father my children have in Greg. He is usually the one who does the bedtime routine--reading a book or two, reading a Bible story, and praying with the kids before bed. Recently he started telling his own stories, and the kids LOVE it, and I mean, really love it. They love it because they are the characters in the story, just their names are a little mixed up. Stari, Cole, and Baby Vaubrey pretty much do what their real-life counterparts normally do, but somehow the mixed-up names make it hilarious. I hear the stories (Kari and Joel always give me the latest on Stari and Cole's adventures), and they're doing things like going to the library, shopping, and playing at home--not exactly adventure story material--and yet somehow when Greg tells the stories, the kids can hardly stop laughing. Baby Vaubrey's been doing some pretty funny stuff lately. I'm thankful that God has gifted Greg and me in different ways, because creativity is definitely NOT one of my gifts. Our house would be so boring without Greg around (it would be sensible and organized, but not nearly as much fun). It takes a lot of "work," a lot of effort, to be the kind of dad Greg is, and I'm so thankful for him.


Jenne said...

It is such a blessing to be married to someone other than yourself. (I am speaking for myself here, but perhaps you would agree!)

And I cannot believe how grown up Vaubrey looks in these pictures. A little less like a baby - she's becoming a real-live, little girl toddler!!

Ryan and Michelle Moffat said...
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Marianne Wick said...

Opposites often do attract and for good reason. Variety adds spice to the home front. I remember when our kids got older I would tell them stories from my childhood, they just ate those up. Thanks Andrea for your blog - I so enjoy reading it. I get to everyone else's in the family from yours. ( :

Curtis and Jane said...

What great pics! Man, Andrea, Aubrey looks so much like you! Can't wait to see you guys next week. :)