Thursday, April 23, 2009

Now my husband can find it, too

Last week Leah inspired me with her post on organizing to do a long overdue organization of our medicine shelves. I didn't think to take a "before" photo in the closet, but it looked much the same as it does in this laundry basket. I had one shoe box size clear plastic bin, and then everything else was thrown in beside and on top of it. Greg says it literally took him 5 minutes every time he went to look for something in there, and I can vouch for that. If one of the kids needed some Tylenol it was always much quicker for me to go search for it. There was a little method to the madness.

"After"--This made my husband (and me) very happy. And why didn't I do this years ago, you ask? No vision, no motivation, and no label maker (I got it for Christmas this year). It feels so good to be organized!

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Jenne said...

oooohhhhh! Pretty!!

Eric 'n Leah said...

You're welcome, Greg.